All about vocations

Come follow me...
- Shall I be a priest? by Fr. Willie Doyle, S.J.
- Priests for tomorrow (1986 video documentary)
- Vocation : An Unnecessary Mystery by Fr. Richard Butler, O.P.
- Do I have a vocation? by Fr. Barrielle
- The Eternal Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Sacrament of Holy Orders
- Priestly Formation in the Third Millennium: Sacred Heart of Jesus Seminary (video)
- Steps to the Priesthood
- Prize-Fisher of Men: Sermon by Fr. Brucciani at the first Mass of Fr. Rupert Bevan (audio); Gallery
- At The Service of Vocations
- A Brief History of the Mass
- Life at the Seminary: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary (video)
- SSPX Priests Explain the Priesthood (video)
- Ad sum? — and other articles from Ite Missa Est
- Thy servant heareth — article from Ite Missa Est
- Only a Brother
- Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
SSPX Seminaries
- St. Pius X Seminary, Switzerland (website)
- St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, USA (website)
- Sacred Heart Seminary, Germany (website)
- Our Lady Coredemptorix, Argentina (website)
- St. Curé d'Ars Seminary, France (website)
SSPX Brothers' Novitiates
- Holy Angels Novitiate, USA (website)
- St Bernard Novitiate, Philippines (website)
- Sacred Heart Seminary, Germany (website)
- St. Curé d'Ars Seminary, France (website)
Vocations in Catholic Tradition
- Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X: Video (Vimeo), Newsletters, 2023-03, 2023-07 (PDFs)
- SSPX Oblate Sisters: Newletter 2022-12 (PDF)
- Benedictines, USA (website)
- Benedictine Sisters, France: Newsletter 2022-10; 2023-04 (PDFs)
- Capuchin Friars Minor, France (PDF)
- Capuchin Poor Clares, France (PDF)
- Carmel of the Holy Trinity, USA (PDF)
- Consoling Sisters, Italy & India: Newsletters (website)
- Dominican Friars of Our Lady of the Rosary, France: Newsletter 2023-031
- Dominican Contemplative Sisters, Avrillé, France: Newsletter 2023-03
- Dominican Contemplative Sisters, Montagnac, France: Newsletter 2022-12
- Dominican Teaching Sisters, Brignoles, France
- Dominican Teaching Sisters, Fanjeaux, France
- Little Sisters of St Francis of Assisi, Trevoux, France
- Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King, USA: Newsletter 2022-10, 2022-12, 2023-04
- Servants of Jesus the Priest, Spain: Gallery
- Vocations in Catholic Tradition (old site)

Ordination ceremony at Ecône 2020