The new language of the Second Vatican Council is being used to convey a new theology which contradicts what the Church has always taught. The Society has sought to lay the axe to the root of today's present crisis by bringing Rome back to sound doctrine but Rome has refused. Instead Rome desires a unity of communion without a unity of doctrine, a practical agreement, which the Society has consistently refused and that is why the Society has been marginalized.
Thirty years ago the Decree of Erection of the Society of St. Pius X was signed. Within two years the Vatican itself was undertaking the first steps towards granting the Society pontifical status. After this promising start there soon came years of trial through which our Founder’s determination not to compromise on principles has inspired the Society to this day. The last 30 years have been full of persecution as well as of action.
The Society mourns the death of Bishop Lazo. He recognized the crisis which the Church was undergoing and sought by every means to inform the Philippine Clergy and others about it. He died a holy death in the arms of the priests of the asian district and was buried at the priory in Manila. We have established a pre-seminary, made some changes at the priory of Manila and concluded a successful medical mission. Join us for a pilgrimage to Rome!
The new seminary chapel at Econe is the pride and joy of our seminarians. The Traditional movement is growing throughout the world, despite the catastrophic collapse of the Faith. Events such as the renewal of Assisi beg us to make reparation for such an affront to the Sovereign Majesty of Almighty God. The priests of Fraternity of St. Peter are now bitterly learning how naively they put their trust in the churchmen back in 1988. Dear faithful, we must keep up the good fight without tiring.
Some priests have discovered the riches of the Tridentine Mass and we rejoice with them. They described the New Mass as being empty. This confirms what Archbishop Lefebvre concluded regarding the New Mass, namely, that it leads to a loss of faith. The spirit of adoration which the Tridentine Mass inspires is the spirit which the Society seeks to impart to its priests and future priests.
At last the Society’s mother-house has a true church: the heart and soul of a seminary forming future priests. The 17 young priests ordained this year have been sent to the four comers of the earth. Slowly a fabric of the Faith is forming again in Society. We invite you to take action and we place great hopes in the Rosary to cure the ills afflicting our age. So, we are launching a new Rosary Crusade: for Christian society in peril, for the Christian family, for the Church.
It has been ten years since Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated four bishops. Time has proven how necessary these consecrations were as the crisis in the Church progressively worsens. Although Ecumenism continues to ravage the Church and the situation seems hopeless, let us renew our faith and fight the good fight. Well-formed priests are benefiting souls around the world as the SSPX's apostolate expands.
In May of this year, Bishop Brunner of the diocese of Sion in Switzerland published two texts that he had received from Rome which laid out the situation of the Society of St. Pius X as following on the consecration of the four bishops in June 1988. The texts mentioned schism and excommunication for everybody, priests, bishops and laity alike. On closer examination, the texts are mere notes. Moreover, at the same time the Roman Commission Ecclesia Dei went no further than to speak of “grave danger of schism,” which is a different thing altogether.
It has been six years since Archbishop Lefebvre's Death; we commemorate how much he suffered both physically and morally in order to found the Society. The liberals who black label the Society systematically continue destroying the Church by undermining her three-fold unity of faith, liturgy and government. The Society continues to expand.
The pope’s visit to France this autum caused an uproar among the Freemasons because in celebrating the 1500th anniversary of France’s baptism, a glorious Christian past, before the Revolution, had to be remembered. News stories show how Freemasonry now uses Ecumenism to continue the work of demoliton of our holy religion. With the 80th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima, the SSPX will make a pilgrimage to Fatima to pray for the consecration of Russia, the return of peace to the world and we desire to promote devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary