The Third Order of the SSPX
What is the Third Order of Saint Pius X?
The Third Order is the fifth family of the Society of Saint Pius X. The first family is the priests and seminarians, the second is the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X, the third is the brothers, the fourth is the Oblate Sisters.
What is the purpose of the Third Order?
The Third Order of Saint Pius X is an “Order set up to secure for souls living in the world a school of sanctity.“ The purpose of the Third Order is therefore the sanctification of its members and their dependants.
Like the old traditional Third Orders (Carmelite, Dominican, Franciscan, et al.), the Third Order of the Society of Saint Pius X is a state of life midway between the cloister and the world, or to put it in different words, a religious Order which will penetrate into Christian homes in the midst of the world.
What is the spirit of the Third Order?
It is centred on the devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is nothing else than the Sacrifice of the Cross renewed on the altar in an unbloody manner. The members of the Third Order unite themselves to Our Lord, the Divine Victim, offering Himself up out of love for His Father and for souls. In this they find the strength that they need on the difficult path to holiness. Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, to Saint Joseph, and to Saint Pius X are also present in the soul of the member of the Third Order.
What are the main obligations for a member of the Third Order?
These are contained in the Rule of the Third Order. In brief: morning and evening prayer, daily rosary, confession once a month, fifteen minutes of mental prayer every day (or daily Mass where it is possible) and a retreat every two years. Also, habitual abstinence from television.
How can I become a member of the Third Order?
Please contact the chaplain of the Third Order at [email protected]