St. Edmund Campion Catechism Group - Series 2 Lesson 2

Who is man?
Preparation |
Podcast: Who is man? |
Podcast: Notes |
Catechism: Q1-10 |
My Catholic Faith: Chapter 17 |
Aquinas 101: Body & Soul |
Aquinas 101: Powers of the Soul - a first look |
Aquinas 101: Epistemology |
Map of Life by Frank Sheed: Chapters 3-4 |
Summa Theologica 1aQ1a1 |
Companion to the Summa - Chapter 12 |
1. Know the definition of Man:
- Material Cause (what he is made of): body
- Formal Cause (what is his principle of unity & operation): soul
- Efficient Cause (how he is made): parents prepare the matter, God infuses the soul
- Final Cause (what he is for): union with God
2. Understand the different orders of creation:
- inanimate
- living plant (nutrition, growth, reproduction)
- living irrational animal (plus sense knowledge: 5 ext. senses, 4 int. senses)
- living rational animal (plus intellect & will)
- living spiritual (just intellect & will)
- man before the fall
- man after the fall
3. Know the following definitions:
- faculty: a power, or principle of acting (everything that you do requires a faculty)
- intellect: the power of knowing the essence of things
- will: the power that directs actions towards the aquisition of good
- virtue: a good habit or a disposition to do good
- passion: the act of a sensitive appetite (types: concupiscible [love, desire, pleasure; hatred, aversion, sorrow], irascible [hope, despair, daring, fear, anger])
4.Understand the different orders of existence:
- natural
- supernatural (Divine)
5. Understand the notion and necessity of faith. Faith is a supernatural gift of God, which makes us assent to truths revealed by God, because we accept the authority of God.