Sponsor A Sanctuary Lamp
Photograph by Farragutful © Wikimedia Commons
What ideas are expressed in the Prayers of blessing of a candle?
God is invoked to bless and hallow the candles for the service of man and for the health of their bodies on land and sea—the candles being, then, sacramentals.
The symbolism of fire and light is developed in praying that "being worthily inflamed with the holy fire of Thy most sweet charity, we may deserve to be presented in the holy temple of Thy glory," and "that our hearts ... illumined by the brightness of the Holy Spirit may be free from the blindness of every vice."
Our Sanctuaries gleam with the light of lamps, a constant reminder that we are in the presence of God. In the book of Exodus, we hear how the people of God were asked to ‘keep a flame burning perpetually’ (Exodus 27: 19-20). This is a reminder for us to turn to the Lord.
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There are a number of lamps which burn perpetually in the Churches/Chapels before the Blessed Sacrament.
Would you like to light a sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one, or for a particular intention? Your intention will be included in Holy Mass at the Main Altar at St. Saviour's House. The lamps can be sponsored with the proceeds going towards the costs of the Sacristy. These lamps burn for one week.
The minimum recommended donation is £10 per week.