Winona Seminary ordains 7 priests

Source: District of Great Britain

The final ordinations ceremony in Minnesota was a momentous one, bringing the total number of priests in the SSPX to 600.

June 3, 2016 will be remembered as a day of stark contrasts for Winona. A day of joy for giving 7 new priests and 9 new deacons to the ranks of Holy Mother Church and tradition, and a day of natural sorrow for losing a home that has been so good to so many men, before the SSPX moves its seminary operations to Virginia.

As evening fell on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the celebrations of the faithful, the reminiscing of the seminarians, and the collaborative discussions of the bishops and priests were still underway. In attendance at this beautiful and historic ceremony conducted by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta were Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, Auxilliary Bishop of the SSPX; Fr. Niklaus Pflüger, First Asssistant of the SSPX; Fr. Daniel Couture, Superior of Canada; Fr. Robert Brucciani, Superior of Great Britain, and more than 90 other priests. Additionally, more than 3,300 faithful came to witness the ceremony and to gather in what has become annually a reunion of family and friends in Winona.

Following these ceremonies, the Society of St. Pius X reached a milestone of 600 priests. 12 more priests will be ordained at the end of the month at Ecône, Switzerland, and in Zaitzkofen, Germany.