Sursum corda - new seminarians in 2022

The new seminarians at Flavigny, France
New seminarians for the SSPX has announced that the number of new seminarians in 2022 is a record for the Society of St. Pius X. Of the 79 entrants, two are from this District (one from England and one from Denmark). Our prayers have been answered, but please keep on praying for their perseverence and for more vocations. Deo gratias.
Prayer for Vocations
O God, Who wishes all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, send forth, we beseech Thee, labourers into the harvest;
Inspire many young hearts with the generous desire of devoting their lives to Thy service;
Grant that there may be a great increase in the number and sanctity of vocations to the Priesthood and to the Religious Life so that Thy Holy Name may be glorified and many souls may be brought to know and serve Thee, the One True God and Him Whom Thou hast sent, Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen

The new seminarians at Zaitzkofen, Germany