Rosary Crusade - send in the results
SSPX Ireland

On 11th November 2020, Rev. Fr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, announced another Rosary Crusade for the following intentions: (a) an antidote to the ever-increasing bans on the public celebration of Mass and (b) for an increase of vocations. This crusade runs from 21st November 2020 to 1st April 2021.
Record the number of Rosaries (consisting of 5 decades each). A Family Rosary should be multiplied by the number of people reciting it; so if 7 people say the Rosary together, you will count 7 Rosaries.
You can send in your results by one of three ways:
1. Paper: just write down your totals and give to a priest (who will send them to [email protected])
2. Email: send the results directly to Militiae Immaculatae: [email protected]
3. Online form