Ordinations to the Subdiaconate

Subdiaconate on Saturday 18th April
Please keep Dominic O'Hart and the other ordinands in you prayers as they prepare to receive the subdiaconate.
The subdiaconate is the first of the major orders. It is the decisive step in the life of a cleric in which he assumes the obligation of observing perfect chastity in the unmarried state and of reciting the Divine Office.
The official duties of the subdeacon are to read the epistle, to hand the chalice and paten to the deacon during the Mass, to prepare the water for the chalice, and to wash the altar cloths and corporals.
During the ceremony, the newly ordained subdeacon touches a chalice and paten, a pair of cruets containing water and wine and a basin and towel. He is then invested with the insignia of his office: the amice (symbolising moderation in speech), the maniple (fruit of good works), tunicle (joy) and then touches the epistalarium.
Your prayers
Please pray for him, that he may make the decisive step with a heart on fire with divine charity, courage and joy. Henceforth he will be consecrated to the service of the altar.
Please also pray for Mr. Bernard Bevan who will be ordained as Acolyte & Exorcist at Ecône and Mr. Joseph Budds who will be ordained as Porter & Lector in Dillwyn and pray that more young men will step forward to offer themselves to the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Jesu et Maria,
Rev. Robert Brucciani
District Superior