Ordinations to the Subdiaconate 1st April

The Subdeaconate
The Subdiaconate is the first of the major orders. It is the decisive step in the life of a cleric in which he assumes the obligation of observing perfect chastity in the unmarried state and of reciting the Divine Office. The official duties of the subdeacon are to read the epistle, to hand the chalice and paten to the deacon during the Mass, to prepare the water for the chalice, and to wash the altar cloths and corporals. During the ceremony the newly ordained subdeacon touches a chalice and paten, a pair of cruets containing water and wine and a basin and towel. He is then invested with the insignia of his office: the amice (symbolising moderation in speech), the maniple (fruit of good works), tunicle (joy) and then touches the epistalarium.
Join us in a novena
On Saturday 1st April, Mr. Rupert Bevan of Dover will be ordained to the subdeaconate at St. Pius X Seminary, Ecône and Mr. Thomas O’Hart of County Fermanagh will be ordained to the subdeaconate at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Virginia, USA. Also, Mr. David Seeber of Burghclere will be ordained to the orders of Porter and Lector at St. Pius X Seminary, Ecône. Please join all the seminarians in praying a novena starting 23rd March for these and all the young men who will be ordained on this day.
Veni, Creátor Spiritus, mentes tuórum vísita, imple supérna grátia, quae tu creásti, péctora. | Come Creator Spirit, visit the souls of Thy people, fill with grace from on high the hearts which Thou hast created. |
Qui díceris Paráclitus, altíssimi donum Dei, fons vivus, ignis, cáritas, et spiritális únctio. | Thou Who art called the Comforter, gift of the most high God, living fountain, fire, love and unction of souls. |
Tu septifórmis múnere, dígitus Patérnae déxtrae, tu rite promíssum Patris, sermóne ditans gúttura. | Sevenfold in Thy gifts, finger of the Father’s right hand, Thou promised truly by the Father, giving speech to tongues. |
Accénde lumen sénsibus, infúnde amórem córdibus: infírma nostri córporis virtúte firmans pérpeti. | Inflame our senses with Thy light, pour Thy love into our hearts, strengthen our weak bodies with lasting power. |
Hostem repéllas lóngius, pacémque dones prótinus; ductóre sic te prǽvio vitémus omne nóxium. | Drive far away the enemy, grant peace at all times: so under Thy guidance may we avoid all evil. |
Per te sciámus da Patrem noscamus atque Fílium, te utriúsque Spíritum credámus omni témpore. | Grant us by Thee to know the Father and to know the Son, and Thee, Spirit of both, may we always believe. |
Deo Patri sit glória, et Fílio, qui a mórtuis surréxit, ac Paráclito, in sæculórum sǽcula. Amen. | To God the Father be glory, to the Son Who rose from the dead and to the Comforter, for all ages. Amen. |