Marriage Amidst The Storm

New book: Marriage Amidst The Storm
Rev. Ludgar Grün has published a sequel to The Wine of Cana to help married couples discover the power of the sacrament that they ministered to each other. His thoughts are clearly the fruit of extensive study and profound meditation. His original ideas, which are set forth with charming simplicity, show how scripture and tradition are an inexhaustible well at which the thirsty traveller will always find to drink.
Both books will be available in Mass Centre bookshops. Alternatively, they may be ordered from Angelus Press (with eye-watering postage costs). Father Grün also has blog called Kana Guide which features a series of talks on the same topic.
If your marriage is not a seemless vista of tranquility, then these books are for you.
In Jesu et Maria,
Rev. Robert Brucciani
District Superior