First Mass at St. Joseph's Convent Chapel, Kilkenny

As many as one hundred faithful attended the first Mass at the new Mass Centre of the Society of St. Pius X in Kilkenny (about one and a half hours south of Dublin) on a damp and chilly 1st Friday evening. The District Superior, Rev. Robert Brucciani, reminded the faithful that the house of God is a terrible place (Terribilis est locus iste: "How terrible is this place! this is no other but the house of God, and the gate of heaven." (Gn 28:17) from the Introit of the Mass of the Dedication of a Cathedral). Meanwhile, Rev. Fr. Patrick Abbet heard confessions and Rev. Fr. Jules Doutrebente took photos.
After the Mass the mood was joyful and triumphal. Initially, there will be two 6pm Sunday Masses each month and a 1st Friday Mass at the chapel . If the chapel is to be our long term home in Kilkenny, however, it will require some work to restore it to its former beauty, but the evident eagerness of the faithful will make this a labour of love. St. Joseph, Pray for us. Deo gratias.
- See chapel location on map
- See photos below