Email Update - Taking the cassock

Source: District of Great Britain

Mr. Bernard Bevan received the cassock on 2nd February at the Seminary of St. Curé D'Ars, Flavigny, France. He was joined by his mother and father, brothers and sisters (including Rupert who is now in his 5th year of seminary at Ecône). The only sibling missing was Bridget who is a postulant with the Dominicans of Brignoles. Deo gratias and may there be found many more heroes to follow him.

2017 February 7th




  • 13th May 2017: May Procession and Marian Day at St. Michael's School
  • - 10am Solemn High Mass - Sermon on the Message of Fatima for us in 2017.
  • - 11:30am Parish Picnic
  • - 1:30pm Conference (45 - 60 minutes)
  •    1:30pm Fatima Film for children 
  • - 2:30-3pm Procession and Benediction
  • 14th May: One day recollection at Our Lady of Victories, Preston preached by Rev. Fr. Alphonsus Maria C.SS.R.
  • 15th-20th May: possible one week Marian Retreat at St. Saviour's House, Bristol preached by Rev. Fr. Alphonsus Maria C.SS.R.

Society of St. Pius X

St. George’s House

125 Arthur Road

Wimbledon SW19 7DR

United Kingdom

[email protected]