Do I need to make the sacrifice?
Do I need to make the sacrifice?
Now that the traditional Latin Mass is being offered more frequently within the conciliar church (something we applaud and give thanks to God for), it is a natural for our faithful to ask themselves whether they need make the sacrifice of attending Mass at an Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) chapel which is perhaps more inconveniently situated or at a more incommodious hour or with liturgy of a lesser degree of solemnity. The answer to this question is an unhesitating "Yes!" The reasons are several:
Gratitude for the past
Without Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX that he founded, there would probably be no more Mass in the tridentine rite: the Ecclesia Dei communities would never have been founded and the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum would never have been promulgated.
Doctrinal security for the present
The SSPX and their affiliates have understood from the beginning that the Second Vatican Council was a revolution which established a new religion of man. Their priests preach the truth without fear of censure and without attempting mental gymnastics to reconcile the doctrine and morals of the revolution with the Catholic faith. They have never had to think one thing and say another ..or bite their tongue.
Survival for the future
The Second Vatican Council was a revolution within the Church that had a devastating effect on the faith and morals of its members. Soon the survivors will face the full force of the state which is becoming increasingly militant in pushing a satanic agenda against Christianity, against children in the womb, against children at school, against the purity of adults, against families, against the aged - quite simply - against God's creation and against the Divine Law. The conciliar church, far from being a bastion against this onslaught, is at best ambiguous about its opposition to this agenda, and at worst, instrumental in promoting the agenda. The Ecclesia Dei communities and traditional diocesan clergy, therefore, find themselves under the effective control of those who are playing the Church into the hands the New World Order.
You do need to make the sacrifice. Fight for Catholic tradition by supporting the Society of St. Pius X, print the leaflet and pass the word. Deo gratias.