Death Announcement for Ted Atkinson of Downham Market

Source: District of Great Britain

Ted was a heroic campaigner against abortion, pornography and blasphemous cinema. He went to prison on a number of occasions for failing to pay fines incurred during his protests. Ever the apostle, in one court appearance, he persuaded the judge to adjourn proceedings so that he could recite the Angelus. On another occasion in court, after being found guilty of criminal damage of a cinema projector which was projecting a blasphemous film, the judge asked him if he had anything to say. His response: “Your worship, I wish I had a bigger hammer!” The judge was not amused. 

While languishing at Her Majesty’s leisure, Ted set about reforming his cellmates too – and not without success. One cellmate, when he was about to be escorted to court for sentencing, asked Ted to pray that he be let-off all charges. Ted said, “I will pray that justice is done.” “Don’t do that!” his cellmate shot back, “They’ll gimme 20 years!”

Ted was a very pious man with a particular devotion to Our Lady. He was familiar figure on the Canterbury and Walsingham Pilgrimages and, in the day, was a prolific hitch-hiker missionary too – giving out miraculous medals and saying the rosary with his chauffeurs. He retired to Downham Market when his knees gave-out but frequently received the sacraments from one of our priests. He died early on the morning of 22nd February 2020.

Please say a prayer for the repose of his soul.  Requiescat in pace.

Funeral announcements to be announced later.