Catholic Hospitals in Ireland Will Be Forced to Perform Abortions

The Hospital of St. Vincent, Dublin
The Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has declared that even Catholic health facilities will have to perform abortions once the law legalizing voluntary termination of pregnancy comes into effect.
Playing with words, Leo Varadkar explained to Dáil Éireann, the Irish House of Deputies, that while the right to individual conscientious objection remains, this right cannot be applied in hospitals – Catholic or not – because they receive government funding: does that not come down to the same thing?
The two major Catholic hospitals in Dublin thus find themselves and their staff in the line of fire: the Mater-Hospital, run by the Sisters of Mary, and the St. Vincent Healthcare Group, directed by the Sisters of Charity.
It will not … be possible for publicly funded hospitals to opt out of providing these necessary services. I’m happy to give you that assurance,
declared the Prime Minister in answer to a Socialist deputy’s complaint about the Catholic Church’s control over many public institutions. A member of Fine Gael, a party of the progressivist center, the head of the government also happens to be a doctor.
With this new declaration from Leo Varadkar, the so-called right to abortion clearly reveals its implications: a liberticidal determination to keep Catholic health care professionals from acting as such. Catholic establishments have no other choice but to sacrifice government funding in order to continue caring for patients and avoid killing defenseless innocents.
Sources: Catholic Herald / FSSPX.News – 6/21/2018