Canterbury Pilgrimage Details

Source: District of Great Britain

Continuous sunshine forecast for this year. Honestly!

Rochester to Canterbury Pilgrimage

28th to 30th July 2017




  • To establish the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • To pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
  • To pray that the pope and all the bishops of the Catholic world to consecrate Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • To pray for the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Society of St. Pius X and all its members in addition to all the religious communities of Tradition.
  • For vocations to the priestly and religious life and the conversion of Great Britain



  • Friday 28th July: Assemble at 1.30pm on lawn at the side of Rochester Cathedral (short walk from Rochester Railway Station). Deposit luggage in the Pilgrimage van. Prayers and departure at 2.00pm. Arrival at Boxley village (beside the church) for Sung Mass at 6.15pm followed by dinner.

  • Saturday 29th July: Rise at 7.30am for Sung Mass at 8.00am followed by breakfast and departure at Lunch at Hollingbourne, at 1.00 pm. Arrival at Charing Primary School at 6.30pm for dinner. Singing and light entertainment.

  • Sunday 30th July: Rise at 7.15am for Sung Mass at 7.30am, breakfast and departure at 9.30am. Lunch at Chilham churchyard at 1.30pm. Arrive at Canterbury Cathedral for final prayers and blessing 5.45pm. 


Camping both nights.  A large tent will be provided for sleeping. Families may wish to bring their own tents.  There will be toilets but no washing facilities at Boxley. 


Please bring your own lunches for Saturday and Sunday. 


A lorry is provided for transporting luggage between campsites. PLEASE MARK CLEARLY EVERY ITEM OF LUGGAGE. It is a good idea to carry light rainwear on the walks. Luggage cannot be accessed between the campsites.


Please bring as many beautiful religious banners as possible. All banners are to be regarded as the property of the pilgrimage organisers for the duration of the pilgrimage. Any banners which are not deemed to be in the spirit of the pilgrimage will be removed and returned to their owners at the end of the event.  


This year the organisers encourage you to book before the 1st July 2017. Prices alter significantly beyond this date. Please find here all the necessary information:

  Cost before 1st July Cost from 1st July
Adult £35 each (£12/day) £50 (£17/day)
Student / Child £20 each (£7/day) £35 (£12/day)
4th child+ / under 3s Free Free

To book, simply fill in the form and send by post or email ( [email protected] ). Two payment methods are available:

  • By online banking: Sort-code: 20-45-45 / Account Number: 80034010 with reference INITIAL.NAME/CANTERBURY (ex. M.BROWN/CANTERBURY)
  • By cheque: Made payable to ‘The Canterbury Pilgrimage’ referenced behind as above. Send with form to Miss Isabelle Brucciani 5 Highlands, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6NZ.

The Pilgrimage has run at a loss for the last few years. Those who cannot come to the Pilgrimage are welcome to participate by donation, using the same payment methods above.


Pilgrims under the age of 16 MUST have an adult responsible for them.


Pilgrims are required to observe exemplary standards of Christian modesty.


Please do not bring cars to the pilgrimage except in cases of absolute necessity.


A pilgrimage is really a retreat and in order to assist recollection you are requested to leave all worldly distractions behind. This includes transistor radios, walkman devices, mobile phones and virtual reality headsets.


Water will be provided at intervals during the day. Wine will be provided at a modest price in the evenings. 


In order to maintain the true spirit of the pilgrimage it is essential that everyone retires to bed by 11pm sharp. This will not only ensure good order but also will facilitate the clearing up of the campsites. HELPERS

We appreciate all offers of help. However we would prefer as many people as possible to walk the pilgrimage and would be grateful if the campsites were left to the organisers to carry out their tasks unimpeded by well-meaning non-walkers.



  • Sleeping Bag
  • Trainers/Walking Shoes
  • Rainwear
  • Extra Socks
  • Complete Change of Clothes
  • Heavy Jumper
  • Track Suit (to wear at night)
  • Wash Kit
  • Towel
  • Torch
  • Sun Cream
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun Hat
  • Small Rucksack (to walk with)
  • Lunch for Sat and Sun
  • Rosary & Missal
  • Name tags on all luggage


For any further information please contact Peter Bevan at [email protected]