Canterbury Pilgrimage 2019

Canterbury Pilgrimage 2019
A moderate crowd of about 100 pilgrims, led by Rev. Fr. John Brucciani, departed from Rochester Cathedral on Friday afternoon. The weather was glowering, but the mood was full of sunshine. This year the average age of the pilgrims dropped again. The expert organisation of our own millenial trads have made the pilgrimage ideal for young families - so much so that the pilgrimage now resembles an extended parish outing. The last of the rain fell on Saturday morning and thereafter the clouds protected us from the fierce English sunshine. The evenings were spent in games, feasting and song. The end of the pilgrimage in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral came all too soon on Sunday evening. Much prayer, some penance, beautiful scenary, rekindled friendships and new acquaintances will be among the abiding memories of those who returned sadly to the world after the final blessing. Deo gratias.