Can you spare 5 minutes to save an innocent life?

Source: District of Great Britain

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Dear Faithful,

While we know that the fight against abortion and all other manifestations of the Culture of Death is a fight against the Satan and the other fallen angels - who wish to destroy all that is true, beautiful and good - and that the weapons most apt for this combat are supernatural: prayer (especially the Mass) and penance. We must also be prepared to fight on the battlegrounds of society: namely in education, politics, business, entertainment and in charitable works. 

Please can you spare 5 minutes to contact your Member of Parliment to protest an amendment to a bill which will further faciltate the murder of children in the womb. 

Please also keep the success of the petition in your prayers. After the Mass, the rosary is the most powerful of prayers.

In Jesu et Maria,

Rev. Robert Brucciani