53 new seminarians for the SSPX

The Society of St. Pius X welcomes to its seminaries this academic year over 50 candidates for the priesthood.
From DICI we offer this joyful news about this academic year's number of entrants to the SSPX's seminaries, as well as the total of postulants to the brotherhood.
The Society of St. Pius X is admitting a total of 53 young men to their first year of spirituality in its different seminaries for the current academic year 2015-2016.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Seminary of the Holy Cure of Ars in Flavigny (France) is welcoming 14 new seminarians (4 Frenchmen, 4 Swiss, 2 Gabonese, 2 Italian, 1 Nigerian and 1 Pole) and 2 postulant brothers (1 French and 1 Canadian), as well as a pre-seminarian.
Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen (Germany) is welcoming 10 new seminarians (2 Germans, 2 Czechs, 1 Austrian, 1 Frenchman, 1 Lithuanian, 1 Pole, 1 Russian and 1 South African).
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota (U.S.A.) is welcoming 12 new seminarians and 5 postulant brothers (all Americans), as well as 30 pre-seminarians who will take courses in the humanities before beginning their specialized seminary studies. [Read at STAS.ORG: 35 new vocations]
In the Southern Hemisphere the beginning of the new academic year in March 2015 saw the arrival at the Seminary of Our Lady Co-Redemptrix in La Reja (Argentina) of 9 new seminarians (5 Argentines, 2 Brazilians, 1 Chilean and 1 Guatemalan) and 3 postulant brothers (1 American, 1 Brazilian and 1 Dominican), and of 14 pre-seminarians as well.
At Holy Cross Seminary in Goulburn (Australia), 8 new seminarians had entered as first-year students (2 Australians, 2 Filipinos, 1 American, 1 Indian, 1 Kenyan, and 1 Ugandan), as well as one postulant brother and 4 pre-seminarians.
That makes for this calendar year 2015 a total of 53 first-year seminarians and 10 entering as postulants to become brothers. There were 51 new seminarians in 2014, 43 in 2013, 50 in 2012, 57 in 2011, and 48 in 2010.
(Source: FSSPX/MG—DICI no. 323, 10-19-2015)