25th anniversary of Archbishop Lefebvre's death

Archbishop Lefebvre's 25th Anniversary of death is on Good Friday, March 25, 2016.
Doctor of the priesthood
Marcel Lefebvre, an associate pastor, missionary bishop, papal delegate, and superior general of a missionary congregation, was a man of action. His intellect, without being very speculative, was nevertheless imbued with doctrine. In forming priests, he taught the profound nature of the Catholic priesthood and spread its spirit and virtues.
The priesthood is the great legacy of Jesus Christ. Our Lord placed His own priesthood in the hands of the Church, that it might continue until the end of time."
(Auxerre, July 8, 1978)
What the Church needs, what the people long for, are priests of God: priests who expresses God by their whole being, by their whole attitude, by their whole manner of acting, by their every word."
(Econe, June 29, 1975)
The sacrifice of Calvary becomes on our altars the sacrifice of the Mass, which, as it continues the sacrifice of the Cross, brings about the sacrament of the Eucharist, making us participants in the divine Victim, Jesus Crucified."
(Spiritual Journey)
The spirit specific to the Society is that of living the holy sacrifice of the Mass.… Everything must be related to the holy sacrifice of the Mass. This is important.
The Mass is the synthesis of faith, hope, and charity. It is the source of the life of grace. It is also in the Mass that we find daily the source of our sanctification, our apostolate, our preaching.”
(Econe, November 7, 1974; June 1, 1990)
Visit the website dedicated to Archbishop Lefebvre>
Acquire the movie: Marcel Lefebvre - A Documentary>
For private use, find here a Novena begining March 17th and ending on the anniversary of Archbishop Lefebvre's death, Good Friday, March 25, 2016, asking:
- The triumph of Holy Mother the Church
- The preservation and flourishing of the Society of St. Pius X
- The holiness of his priestly sons and religious