1st Professions for the Dominican Teaching Sisters of Brignoles and Fanjeaux

Source: District of Great Britain

At St. Pré, Brignoles

On the eve of the feast of St. Dominic, Sr. Philomena (Bridget Bevan) was one of four novices to make her first profession at the mother house of Domincan Teaching Sisters of St. Pré, Brignoles. The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience were pronounced in front of the entire community before the Blessed Sacrament, but away from public eyes. Four other sisters received the habit at the same time. The ceremony was followed by a Solemn High Mass. 

They have married the best of husbands! Deo gratias.

Sr. Anne of Jesus and Sr. Anthony-Joseph

At St. Dominique du Cammazou, Fanjeaux

On the same day, Sr. Anne of Jesus (Molly Kane) made her first profession at the mother house of the Dominican Teaching Sisters of Fanjeaux. She joins Sr. Anthony-Joseph (Katrina Sudlow) who made her first profession last year.