May, the month of the Immaculata
Originally published in the “Knight” bulletin April–June 2021 (Nº 24)
Our Lady is the Queen of Heaven and Earth and, at the same time, our Mother. We enter the month of May with this conviction, and it becomes more deeply rooted in us when we leave it, strengthening our faith and increasing our fortitude. May teaches us to love Mary Most Holy for the glory she rightly possesses and for all that she represents in the plans of the Divine Providence. It also teaches us to be more constant in our filial union with Mary.
During the month of May—the month of Mary—we feel a special protection of Our Lady that extends to all the faithful; we feel a special joy that shines on us and illuminates our hearts expressing the universal certainty of Catholics that the indispensable patronage of our heavenly Mother becomes even more tender, more loving and more full of visible mercy and exorable condescendence during her month of May.
What St. Maximilian wanted each of the Knights to do during May
The month of May is her month, dedicated in a special way to her veneration.
How can we possibly show our love, then? Shall we confine ourselves to ardent feelings and loving words?
No, we shall not. It would be far too little. During the month of May—the month of Mary—we feel a special protection of Our Lady that extends to all the faithful; we feel a special joy that shines on us and illuminates our hearts expressing the universal certainty of Catholics that the indispensable patronage of our heavenly Mother becomes even more tender, more loving and more full of visible mercy and exorable condescendence during her month of May.
She must be the Queen of every heart. To win over to her the hearts of all and each person individually: that is our task, especially in this her month.
How can we do it?
First of all, by entrusting every task we undertake to her, particularly when it comes to winning souls for her.
What else?
No chance should be wasted in engendering devotion and love toward her and to ensure that as many souls as possible take part with us in the May service, either in church, or for those who live too far away, before small shrines or before the sacred images placed along the roads.
And what else?
Some small mortification should be suffered for the following intention: that she may reign in the hearts of everyone, but especially of those whose conversion we are now undertaking.
And what else?
Every “Knight” bulletin promotes veneration and love toward the Immaculata.
Let everyone, therefore, endeavour with all his strength to attract in this her month, as many readers as possible for her “Knight” bulletin.
This month is an opportunity for a general offensive aimed at winning souls over to the Immaculata, our most gracious Queen.
Let the house, workshop, office, etc., of each reader become an active, though always humble, outpost for the collection of new and more numerous readers for her “Knight” bulletin.
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