Donate to the SSPX District of Great Britain


Credit/Debit Cards


Bank Transfer

Sort Code: 30-99-80 
Account Number: 00279661
Account: Society of St Pius X

Bank: Lloyds Bank plc
Bank address: Chelmsford Legg St OSC, 1 Legg St, Essex, CM1 1JS
IBAN: GB07LOYD30998000279661

Standing Order

Please complete and post a standing order form:

Also a Gift Aid Declaration if you pay income tax.


"The Society of Saint Pius X"
St George's House
125 Arthur Road
London SW19 7DR
United Kingdom


"St Michael's School"
Harts Lane
Hampshire RG20 9JW
United Kingdom

Collections at Mass

Use the yellow Gift Aid envelopes if you pay income tax. This will enable the Society to claim the tax you have paid on the donation.

Gift Aid Declaration


If you pay income tax, we can claim the income tax you have paid on your donations if you complete an online Gift Aid Declaration. It takes about 1 minute if you are quick.


You can submit a paper Gift Aid Declaration Form by post to Society of St Pius X, 125 Arthur Road, London SW19 7DR or a scan by email to [email protected]

Wills and Bequests

Please contact the District Superior at [email protected] if you have any questions.

  • If you would like to leave money to the Society, then please insert these words into your will: "I leave x amount to the Society of St Pius X (Registered Charity 274695) of St George's House, 125 Arthur Road, London SW19 7DR."
  • If you would like to make sure that you have a traditional Catholic funeral, please insert the following text in your will: "It is my express wish that my funeral be conducted in the traditional Latin Rite by a priest of the Society of St Pius X who may be contacted at St George's House, 125 Arthur Road, London SW19 7DR"

Stole fees

Stole fees (also called stipends) are offerings in consideration of expenses incurred by a chapel or priest in the course of ministering to the faithful. The stole fees are waived at the discretion of the priest in cases of hardship. Here is the present list (2024):

Mass: £14
Novena of Masses: £140
Gregorian of Masses: £600
Weddings: Church Rental £180 + Stole Fee £100
Funerals: Church Rental £180 + Stole Fee £100
Baptisms: £50