Choosing the right school

Rev. John Brucciani

St. Michael's is a traditional Catholic School with an ethos and curriculum firmly grounded in Catholic doctrine. It is a mixed day school to year 8, and boys-only school for years 9–11 (and years 12–13 when numbers permit). Boys can board from year 7.

Our pupils grow and learn in an environment saturated with Catholic culture, making the faith easy and obvious to practice, thus encouraging the development of virtue. The presence of Catholic priests and brothers is unique to St. Michael’s. No other school in the country can boast of resident clergy whose average age is 35!

Professional staff teach small class groups which helps the school offer a high level of care and assistance which in turn leads to academic results well above the national average.

Education does not end with classes at St. Michael's. Sacred liturgy, rosary, sports, clubs, educational visits and not-so-popular house chores contribute to the formation of the whole child for life as a Catholic in the world, or, even better, in a priestly or religious vocation.

At this time of crisis in the Church and moral collapse in society, St. Michael’s is a blessing for parents desirous of fulfilling their primary duty of educating their children in the faith and, lest they hesitate for fear of the expense, generous and equitable bursaries ensure that no child is turned away on financial grounds. Before choosing schools for your children, see what St. Michael’s has to offer:

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