
The SSPX also encourages and organizes groups of zealous men and women around specific apostolic goals. These groups engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from care of the sick and feeding the poor to prayer crusades to public profession of the rights of God.

  • Archconfraternity of St. Stephen

    • The Archconfraternity of St. Stephen is a guild established for the instruction and sanctification of altar servers. It is most commonly known as "The Guild of St. Stephen."
    • Visit the website
  • Eucharistic Crusade

    • The Eucharistic Crusade is a Church organisation for children (7 to 15 years). Its primary purpose is to encourage children to pray for their own sanctification and for the needs of the Catholic Church. It is, therefore, both a work of piety and an apostolate. 
    • Visit the website
  • Militia Immaculatae

    • The Militia Immaculatae, or Knights of the Immaculata, is a worldwide Marian movement for the sanctification of Catholics and the conversion of non-Catholics, under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 as a movement to raise and include all Marian movements in response to the terrible forces arrayed against the Church in our times.
    • Visit the website
  • OL of Guadalupe & St. Gerard Pro-Life Rosary Group

    • The meetings take place at the corner of New Broadway (Uxbridge Road) and Barnes Pikle, a laneway running up from Mattock Lane. The new venue is almost opposite Ealing Council offices.  For anyone being dropped off by car the Sat Nav Reference is:  W5 5AL  House No. 71. See the events calendar for the next meeting.
    • Visit the website