Alms giving for worthy causes
This page is dedicated to providing a platform for a number of SSPX missions and other bodies supporting the SSPX in areas where local funding is hard to come by as a result of poverty or unfavourable circumstances. These appeals for alms featured for many months in the former SSPX UK website and are now being provided for in the current SSPX UK website.
1. The Contemplative Dominican Sisters of Avrillé
Some of the Contemplative Dominican Sisters of Avrillé under the leadership of Mother Marie-Emmanuel and loyal to the SSPX have successfully purchased an old farmstead in Périgord, France which they are in the process of converting to a new Monastery dedicated to the Immaculata. Although the structural stonework is very sound, there is an enormous amount of work to be done on the interior, including converting the former barn and store room into a Chapel, creating cells for Sisters and new postulants in the main farmhouse and other out-buildings, constructing a refectory and providing a laundry room. They are dependent upon the charity of the faithful to provide the necessary funding, and the link below contains photographs of the progress they have made to date and details of how to give alms to their cause. They have no email or Internet facilities and they count upon their prayers and on what publicity they can generate in order to continue their work. Please remember them in your alms giving.
Monastery of the Immaculata appeal
2. The St. Bernard Novitiate, Iloilo in the Philippines.
Fr. Coenraad Daniels has been engaged for many months now in constructing a new church at Iloilo. It is built on a former rice field and it was necessary to dig out foundations six metres deep to get to ground rock to be sure of a solid foundation! The construction has reached the point where the steel girders to support the roof are being welded into place using very precarious looking bamboo scaffolding, and Father is looking now for funds to furnish and decorate the interior. He is desperately trying to get the church ready for consecration in time for the Centenary of the Fatima apparitions in May of 2017.
A little update on the progress. The church is all but finished - only the debt remains to be cleared.
We have confidence that St. Joseph will supply for that soon.
May Our Lord and His Holy Mother bless and guide you always.
Servus Mariae
Fr. Daniels
The link below gives access to the web page where a gallery of photographs showing the progress of the work month by month can be seen, and there are tabs on that same page for contacting Father Daniels and for instructions on how to donate alms.
St. Bernard Novitiate, Iloilo.