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Over 25s Outing Bristol May 21st 2016
Email Update history
Amoris Laetitia - Grave Problems
Mr. Peter Baldwin RIP
O.L. Guadalupe & St. Gerard Majella Pro-Life Group
Bp. Fellay Comments on his Visit with the Pope
Pilgrimages to Fatima
Mrs. Irene McNicholas RIP
New Girls' School
Rev. Fr. Patrick Summers
25th anniversary of Archbishop Lefebvre's death
John Olner RIP
Will the SSPX participate in the Jubilee of Mercy?
Launch of a new site: Marcel Lefebvre
Utopian rhetoric
53 new seminarians for the SSPX
Doctor tells pope: evil is from sin, not poverty
Cardinal Kasper’s new morality
Appeals ask Synod to reaffirm Church doctrine