New Young Roman Catholics (YRC) Website

Source: District of Great Britain


We are pleased to announce that the new YRC website has been launched, please check it out and share with friends. This will be the main hub for any information regarding the YRC and their events, news, pictures and more.

Links to the things you want to know: 



Here are some tips to guide you around the website: 

Navigation Bar - to see all events, click news/events, and then events. 

The main slideshow - here you will find the immediate upcoming local and national event, podcasts, and of course about the SSPX. 

Spotlights - application form to next national event, website of the Archbishop, catechism and then the study of the month. 

Headlines - news of what has happened (please help us out... send us information that may pertain to a Roman Catholic Youth organisation). 

Calendar - find all the events for the year here, (use the navigation bar to find all events). 

Photos - you are encouraged to send your GOOD pictures to Father Dominic O’Hart.